Friday 16 November 2012


Well, last couple of months I've been busy with the World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria expansion, but I'll save that for another day. The other thing I've been busy with is the Discworld novels by Terry Pratchet.

As a kid I grew up hearing a lot about these novels and how good they were, I never got round to reading them though! As a series of books though I must say coming into them so late, they are excellent! The use of language and the general writing style lends itself to being a fun and in some cases highly amusing read. I have nothing but high praise for the author and am finally understanding why so many people have enjoyed these books. I'm currently reading them in publication order so as to have a goal in sight and of the 38 novels I am on my 12th 'Witches Abroad'. Currently my favourite 2 are 'Guards Guards!' And 'Reaper Man'.

I am disappointed in myself for not having started this earlier in my life and highly recommend the books to anyone that can read! But as with all things I must issue a warning. The first two books can seem a little confusing and a little fast paced from most people's perspectives so my warning is stick with it, 'The Colour of Magic' and 'The Light Fantastic' are very good once you give them the chance.

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