Friday, 13 July 2012

Black Temple... Easy mode!

Well what can I say about Black Temple these days?

Only that it's so easy to face roll these days! For those who don't know about Black Temple, it was a level 70 endgame raid for The Burning Crusade expansion. These days it is a prime source of Transmogrification equipment and of course the infamous Warglaives of Illidian Stormrage! Of course only certain classes can weild these legendary Glaives, however just to have them sitting in your collection is enough for some people. At any rate this instance was originally designed to be tackled in either one of two modes; 10 player or 25 player. We tackled it in 25 player. But who is we you might ask?

The group I led was made up of my level 85 Undead Warlock, a level 84 Priest on healing duties, a level 85 Death Knight Tank, a level 85 Mage and a level 83 Rogue. Yup, 5 players. Back in the day we would have been slaughtered but since Cataclysm hit the servers even lowly clothies like myself can solo what was previously impossible! Though the only one who died was our healer during the second phase of the reliquary of souls encounter the raid was essentially a cakewalk! Not one Boss gave us any trouble what-so-ever, I only ever dropped below 90% health when I life tapped to gain back some mana.

Onto the drops. Out of the whole instance I only walked away with a Transmog Staff, a blue BOE, which is now sitting pretty on the Auction House, and a fistful of cloth. Others were more fortunate with Token Drops for armour sets and the like but I paid little attention to anything that wasn't what I was after. Although dissapointing from a RNG point of view, my point of view being that it hates me, I enjoyed reliving what used to be my favourite Raid even if it was somewhat like having turned on 'GOD MODE'!

I'll more thank likely revisit again in an attempt to collect some more Token Drops, however I probably won't hold my breath as even something like 'Foul Gift of the Demon Lord' trinket with a 25-30% drop rate still remains elusive to me, the one time I've seen it drop on this character it was needed on by a mage and a priest who only wanted it for his offspec. Needless to say, I lost out. :: Fist to Sky :: Why RNG? Why?

This evening I'll be doing my second run of Battle for Mount Hyjal, as I really want a transmog sword off of Archimonde. The sword in question is the Tempest of Chaos and it matches the Tier 5 raid set perfectly! Tier 5 just happens to be my favourite Warlock set i've seen so far. Although i'm rather fond of the Tier 2 PVP set which looks pretty much the same with a recolour. I've not started collecting the T5 peices yet and am thinking i'll probably buy the Honor set instead as it will cost only around 4500 honor points, and about 650 Justice Points for the extras like the belt. May be less time consuming than farming tokens from old raids thanks for the weekly lock out.

Wish me luck in obtaining my Tempest of Chaos!

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