But on to the main event! The deck simply called dragons saw two victories out of three games, in the first game I was pretty much mana and creature screwed, the second game was a one on one against a black deck which lasted all but 7 turns. And the final one saw my utvara scalpers snatch a victory as sheoldred came into play on my opponents side of the field. All in all I was very happy with the way it worked after it had been shuffled properly!
The main purpose of the deck is to throw out a high powered dragon around turn 4/5 and create havoc for opposing players. Balefire Dragon is particually useful for this as it'll destroy all creatures a player has as long as it has dealt combat damage to that player. Assuming of course they don't have a 6/6 flyer/reach equiped creature with which to deal with it or indeed anything with 7 toughness or greater as it only deals out 6 damage to each creature.

Another Dragon which comes in handy is Hellkite Charger. 6 mana to get out and 7 mana to use its ability which allows you to untap all creatures and gain a second combat phase, a nice game changer. The obvious draw back is the fact that it is expensive, but thats what Infernal Plunge and Battle Hymn are for, extra mana generation. But all isn't lost, there are some 4 cmc cards in the mix in the form of Whelps and some Goblins for fodder!
Meet the Utvara Scalper, providing a good base of continual damage dealing throughout the early turns, this is down to the fact it attacks if able every turn and has flying! What more can you possibly want. Oh, perhaps throwing a Fencer's Magemark onto the card to make it just that little bit more threatening! At least that's what I did!
Working through this deck during its construction stage, I was seriously concerned with the mana costings and didn't think I could make it work, however after the playtests I will definately be leaving it as is and throw it up against a larger multiplayer game to see how it holds out! Perhaps this time next week i'll be saying something different, but for now i'm pretty happy with the results.
Deck List:
20 x Mountain
Obelisk of Jund x2
Dragon Claw x2
Ancient Hellkite x1
Archwing Dragon x1
Balefire Dragon x1
Flameblast Dragon x1
Hoard-Smelter Dragon x1
Hellkite Igniter x1
Hellkite Charger x1
Furnace Whelp x2
Volcanic Dragon x2
Goblin Fireslinger x2
Goblin Piker x1
Goblin Tunneler x1
Utvara Scalper x2
Grotag Seige-Runner x1
Hostile Realm x2
Battle Hymn x4
Mana Geyser x1
Infernal Plunge x3
Thunderbolt x1
Fencer's Magemark x2
Fatal Attraction x2
Soul's Fire x1
Lust For War x1
Kuldotha Rebirth x1
Well, feel free to comment on the deck and any suggestions to strengthen it would be obviously welcome! I'm always open to suggestions, and look forward to anything that anyone may like to contribute, if you think its a rubbish deck please say so, but take the time to at least say why you think so.
That's it for now!
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