Tuesday, 17 July 2012

Deck Builder's Toolkit 2012 Part 2

Well the second toolkit arrived today! And was pretty much very similar in content to the first, while I expected this I was expecting a bit more variety in the way of colour distribution, however black was pretty dominant, and I have plenty of black cards as is!

I did receive one foil from a booster that will sit nicely in my sulfurion deck. I will not mention the cards name at this time as I wouldn't want to give any opponents a heads up to the addition!

All in all the pair of toolkits were indeed a boost to my collection especially in the way of land as I now have enough for a few decks! I did get a few interesting soldiers amongst the cards which I will go through and am thinking that it's where my next lies!

Down to rating the product! I give it an 8/10 simply for its utility, however I would not say it would be suitable for making a strong focused deck!

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